Biblical Perspectives on Divorce and Remarriage

Biblical Perspectives on Divorce and Remarriage

God doesn’t want people to be divorced; it isn’t His will. Yet that doesn’t blackball anyone who’s been divorced or write them out of the possibility of a fulfilling life because of their divorced status. It is possible with time—and those are important words—to see God’s purpose restored in the lives who have been impacted by a divorce. Jesus is, after all, our Redeemer. Those possibilities come on the terms of God’s Word, and are lived out in the power of His Holy Spirit.
Prayer and the Climate of a Nation

Prayer and the Climate of a Nation

The summons to us as believers and citizens is not to sit in judgment of our nation but to pray and intercede for it. As financial and economic systems face an upheaval of "drought" proportions, we are called to prayer, supplication, intercession, and giving of thanks for those in authority as the means for changing the "climate" of our nation.
You’re Worth More Than “IT”

You’re Worth More Than “IT”

God wants us to confront anything that hinders our confidence or reduces our hope for the fulfillment of what we were meant to be. You have infinite worth, great promise, high hopes and a certain future in God's purpose.
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