My Wife…My World

My Wife…My World

In all our relationships, but most especially in marriage, learning to sing together rather than criticize one another will bring the life and fullness that God intends for us. The Lord intends for husbands and wives to mirror God’s image, not one another’s.
Heirs Together of the Grace of Life

Heirs Together of the Grace of Life

Spirit-filled living is central to the powerful possibilities of the married couple. As God develops a husband and wife’s relationship, they begin to exist as a unique identity—the one He designed them to become when the two were joined.
Deliciously Vanilla!

Deliciously Vanilla!

When asked how Anna and I have made our marriage work for more than six decades, I tell people, “It’s right there in the most practical handbook available—the Word of God”. Here's the story of how we first met...
Biblical Perspectives on Divorce and Remarriage

Biblical Perspectives on Divorce and Remarriage

God doesn’t want people to be divorced; it isn’t His will. Yet that doesn’t blackball anyone who’s been divorced or write them out of the possibility of a fulfilling life because of their divorced status. It is possible with time—and those are important words—to see God’s purpose restored in the lives who have been impacted by a divorce. Jesus is, after all, our Redeemer. Those possibilities come on the terms of God’s Word, and are lived out in the power of His Holy Spirit.