The Consummate Comeuppance

The Consummate Comeuppance

The Lord has an awesome habit of turning things around, of taking the irreversible and reversing it. And just when it seems flesh and the Devil have had their day, the Lord gives them their comeuppance. No where is that more evident than at the Cross.
Securing a Peaceable Kingdom

Securing a Peaceable Kingdom

There is the Jerusalem in Israel, where God has put His Name, and there is the “Jerusalem” that is you. The same principles involved in praying for Israel apply to securing the boundaries of blessing that God appoints in the personal kingdoms which are our lives.
Building His Church

Building His Church

“Nothing impacts a broken world like the ministry of healing.” Pastor Jack Hayford presented this overview of the Blueprint behind and within Jesus’ plan to “Build My Church." It offers a definitive and inspiring study of Jesus’ desire to mobilize spiritual gifts through people to save souls and impact the world.
A Pilgrimage to Secure Boundaries

A Pilgrimage to Secure Boundaries

Following a word from the Lord to go and pray in Israel, I led a group to build altars in the North, South, East, and West. The kingdom principles with which our team built and prayed over these altars of Truth, Life, Worship, and Praise in Israel.
A Valentine From God

A Valentine From God

Father God’s love letter to us is ours to be received every day in His Word. Like a valentine, God’s Word is addressed to us where we are, no matter our current state of difficulty or weakness. It comes with gifts of the Spirit and an inscription...