
Key Concepts of Jesus’ Revelation

Key Concepts of Jesus’ Revelation

Written by Jack Hayford
A blessing is promised to those who read the book of Revelation, and who keep those things which are written in it. This brief outline summarizing the lessons of Jesus' Revelation is intended as a study companion for reading this book of the Bible.
Laying Hold of Tomorrow

Laying Hold of Tomorrow

Written by Jack Hayford
Whatever has shaped your life up to this moment has no claim on the tomorrow God has planned for you. Whatever disappointment, shifting circumstances, or "dead" things are in your past, they do not need to hamstring your future. Learn how to become a person who lays hold of God's promise for tomorrow by living according to His pattern and embracing His presence today.
Making Holidays Happily Holy

Making Holidays Happily Holy

Written by Jack Hayford
Nothing is more likely to open hearts to Christ than being exposed to the joy of Jesus in a home or congregation where people have learned to radiate celebration with a richness of joy that only the original Spirit of Christmas can bring.
Making Money Your Friend

Making Money Your Friend

Written by Jack Hayford
Salvation has no price tag; you can go to heaven even if you never give God a dime. Growth, however, often hinges on a decision to take a fundamental point of biblical commitment in giving. You determine whether the finances of this life are governed by world’s system, or the Lord’s.
My Personal Testimony of Healing

My Personal Testimony of Healing

Written by Jack Hayford
A congenital birth defect should have ended my life at one year old, but prayers offered by a church opened the way for a miraculous healing. I yearn for parents to learn to teach their children about the healing power of Jesus because once a child is healed by the power of Christ, no matter what happens in the years to come, that child will never forget that he is the Lord’s.
My Wife…My World

My Wife…My World

Written by Jack Hayford
In all our relationships, but most especially in marriage, learning to sing together rather than criticize one another will bring the life and fullness that God intends for us. The Lord intends for husbands and wives to mirror God’s image, not one another’s.
No One Like Jesus

No One Like Jesus

Written by Jack Hayford
When the Holy Spirit causes Jesus’ grandeur and glory to overflow our hearts, He overflows our minds as well, and we will find ourselves more than ever “speaking the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15).
Not “Just Another Day”

Not “Just Another Day”

Written by Jack Hayford
The story of Jesus stilling the tempest begins with “Now it happened, on a certain day....” It was on this “certain” day that the Lord sowed the seed of His word into their hearts and then demonstrated their truth in action. The disciples learned to receive the Word of God on this “certain day” in the manner that you and I are to receive it in all our days, and in the face of whatever storms we find ourselves in.
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