
The Real Enemy

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. -Ephesians 6:12

The target is clearly defined. Our enemy is spiritual. Keeping a clear focus on the true nature of our demonic assailants is essential. So much of a believer’s time is wasted, energy expended and injury incurred because we spend ourselves battling people (flesh and blood) instead of the spiritual forces at work in a situation. In the process of attempting to wrestle believers into defeat in their personal lives, the devil attempts to divert the force of our spiritual warfare toward others in our families, our churches, our work place and community.  

The devil knows full well these two things: (1) if we start fighting other people, they will certainly oblige us and fight back, and (2) that if we start fighting each other, we will never get around to defeating him. 

So, whatever (or whoever) you face today, make up your mind about the conflict. Our enemy is the devil. As we make war in prayer and make peace with those around us, the devil stands no chance of succeeding in our lives. 
