
Making Way for the King of Glory

Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. -Psalm 24:7

David asks two probing questions in this psalm: “Who may ascend … or who may stand in His holy place?” (v. 3), and “Who is this King of glory?” (v. 8) One question asks for the qualifications of the worshiper; the other asks the age-old question, who is the God we worship?  

Who stands in His presence? “Those who seek Him” (v. 6). Those with clean hands and a pure heart, and those who have not lifted up their soul to an idol or sworn deceitfully. These shall stand and receive blessing and vindication from God. 

Who is the King of glory? He is God the Creator (vv. 1, 2). But, He is also the personal God of Jacob (vv. 3–6). He is knowable and personally available. He places personal demands on people, blesses personally and saves personally. 

He is God the King, the triumphant God (vv. 7–10). He is strong, mighty in battle, the King of glory! Lift up your heads and the King of glory will come in! 
