
Growing in Praise

But I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more. -Psalm 71:14

The psalmist makes an unwavering commitment. “I will praise You yet more and more.” The idea expressed is beautiful: “I will find fresh and new ways to express my praise toward God.” The Lord has upheld us from birth (v. 6). He will not abandon us even in our old age (v.18). As the Lord is willing and able to pour fresh blessing upon us at each turning point in our life, our understanding of His love and power grow. And so must our praise.  

This does not mean we must abandon the old ways of praise, but that we are to become as creative in praise to God as God is creative in meeting our needs. If we continue to praise God for the new kindnesses He shows us every day, we will never fall prey to careless or conditioned praise which becomes boring and ends with merely mouthing phrases. The psalmist declares, “My mouth shall tell of… Your salvation all the day, for I do not know their limits” (v. 15). So let our praises be hope-filled and unlimited. 
