
Gifts of Healing

 To another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit. -1 Corinthians 12:9

Physical restoration was of such importance that a special spiritual gift of healing was bestowed upon the church. Many examples of the exercise of this gift are found in the book of Acts (3:1–8; 8:5–7; 14:8, 9; 19:11, 12; 28:7, 8). 

Healing is mentioned three times in 1 Corinthians 12, and each time it is referred to in the plural: “gifts of healings.” The clear intent is that the supernatural healing of the sick should be a permanent ministry established in the church, alongside and abetting the work of evangelizing the world (vv. 4–11, 28). This is for today—timeless—for “the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable” (Rom. 11:29).  

Through the Holy Spirit, God gives all gifts in the name of Jesus. If you need healing today, ask in prayer believing, request the prayer of other believers, and call for the elders of the church to pray. Do not wait to pray until a serious problem arises; begin today to take all needs immediately to the Lord! 

1 Corinthians