The Sin of Suicide

The Sin of Suicide

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Read the complete teaching. To download a PDF of “The Sin of Suicide” in English, click here.

To download a PDF of “The Sin of Suicide” in German (“Die Sünde des Selbstmordes”), click here.


Every one of us, in some way or another, directly or indirectly, has been touched by the impact of suicide. This 23-page biblical study by Pastor Jack Hayford ministers both the comforting truth and the demanding truth that calls believers to discipleship, and answers the question that is so often asked—whether by the act of suicide a believer automatically loses his or her salvation. As well as ministering about the temptation to commit suicide, it is also one of Pastor Jack Hayford’s most profound and expansive teachings on the subject of Christian discipleship and the purpose of life. While the title may be provocative, “The Sin of Suicide” is not intended to foster condemnation but to sensitively broadcast biblical truth.