God wants us to enjoy our time of devotions with Him and also to maintain the regular discipline of a prayer list. Heaven is not reluctant to move on our behalf, but God is seeking to grow His sons and daughters into effective, ministering agents of His Kingdom.

You’re Worth More Than “IT”
A Jack Hayford Classic. Have you ever struggled with “IT”? I.T. is I’M TOO…weak…faithless… whatever breaks down your soul. Paul’s words to his son in the faith, Timothy, provide us with solid truth and encouragement that God has deemed us worth more than “IT.”

Why You Need to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit
A Jack Hayford Classic. We’ve opened the vault at The Church On The Way to bring you this classic teaching on why God calls us to be filled, and to keep on being filled, with His Holy Spirit.

Three Benefits of Water Baptism (Part II)
A Jack Hayford Classic. We’ve opened the vault at The Church On The Way to bring you this classic teaching on a subject about which many believers are unclear: why Jesus commanded His disciples to be water baptized and what its benefits are.

Three Benefits of Water Baptism (Part I)
A Jack Hayford Classic. We’ve opened the vault at The Church On The Way to bring you this classic teaching on a subject about which many believers are unclear: why Jesus commanded His disciples to be water baptized and what its benefits are.

Casting Down Strongholds (Part II)
God has invested His worth in each person He’s created. The Adversary’s primary means of sabotage is to break down that sense of worth and challenge our identity. But God’s Word says that the weapons of our warfare are mighty in God for pulling down those strongholds.

Casting Down Strongholds (Part I)
God has invested His worth in each person He’s created. The Adversary’s primary means of sabotage is to break down that sense of worth and challenge our identity. But God’s Word says that the weapons of our warfare are mighty in God for pulling down those strongholds.

God’s Call to Partnership Prayer
God wants us to enjoy our time of devotions with Him and also to maintain the regular discipline of a prayer list. Heaven is not reluctant to move on our behalf, but God is seeking to grow His sons and daughters into effective, ministering agents of His Kingdom.

The Shepherd’s Call to the Open Door (Part II)
However faithful and fruitful we may have been so far, Jesus sets before us an open door to heaven, calling us to come up higher. If we respond in faith, we’ll be enabled to go forward with Him to even greater dimensions and fulfillment.