Keepers of the Flame

Keepers of the Flame

My daddy took 1 Thessalonians 5:8 literally. Every time I ever saw him take a drink of water, he paused to thank the Lord. He taught me to keep the flame of praise burning.
Healing Is For Today

Healing Is For Today

Too often, prayer for healing ends up as a last-ditch proposition, an expression of resignation to fate, an assignment of blame to the Creator. Or it becomes a search for "faith" healing rather than divine healing. Let's look at how to rightly pray for healing and deliverance, and how to find the balance between faith and presumption.
Blessed Are The Flexible

Blessed Are The Flexible

Through my years of walking with Jesus, I’ve discovered He keeps me in a permanent state of transition. And I’ve learned a little about the potential for joy when you allow the Holy Spirit to keep “flex” in your soul.
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