The Greatest Thanksgiving Feast

The Greatest Thanksgiving Feast

In the parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus tells of a young man who's wasted his inheritance and winds up at a dead end. When he humbly returns home, his father welcomes him with love and a feast. It is a story of the grace that frustrates human pride, forgives all failure, loves beyond explanation, refuses to be reduced, and insists on celebration.
Why and How We Worship

Why and How We Worship

Wherever God's people come together to worship, we become a habitation for His presence. The expression of worship is not a requirement for salvation, but a means for truth springing to life in the midst of people.
The Constant Call To Remember

The Constant Call To Remember

Memorial Day is not only a time to remember loss, but also to remember hope. Most of all, it's a time to remember Jesus and that He's alive, He's able, He's active, He's alongside us, and He's advancing.
Heirs Together of the Grace of Life

Heirs Together of the Grace of Life

Spirit-filled living is central to the powerful possibilities of the married couple. As God develops a husband and wife’s relationship, they begin to exist as a unique identity—the one He designed them to become when the two were joined.
Redeeming Hallowe’en

Redeeming Hallowe’en

One year after Pastor Jack's mother, Dolores Hayford, went home to be with the Lord on October 31st, he sought the Lord about the significance of his mother's passing on the same day as Hallowe'en and received this word from the Lord: "I selected this day for the homegoing of My daughter, and I'm calling you to teach people to make this a day of remembering the faithful who have followed Me."
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